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Blog – BAUER Blog


Top Uses for BAUER Industrial Compressors

BAUER COMPRESSORS offers essential solutions for a wide array of industries that rely on high-pressure gas and industrial air compression. These compressors play a crucial role in various industries, from manufacturing, energy, aerospace, defense, maritime and many others. Keep reading to learn the most common uses for our industrial compressors. Pressure Testing All products and equipment that operate under pressure…

The Argon Advantage in Additive Manufacturing

Would you believe that humans have consumed more resources in the past 50 years than all previous generations combined? Believe it or not, it’s true. Since the industrial revolution, society’s reliance on manufactured goods has skyrocketed, and while they have greatly improved our quality of life, our consumption comes with environmental costs that range from emissions to landfill waste. In…

The Plastics Comeback- GIT for Plastic Reduction

Our society has long procrastinated on solving the “plastics dilemma.” Pollution from plastics has reached epidemic proportions, from microplastics present in our food supply to plastic waste stashed in the deepest parts of our oceans. Despite mitigation efforts like recycling, we have more plastic waste on Earth today than we have ever had in history, and we are manufacturing more…

The One Thing Fire Departments Usually Forget

Let’s do a quick exercise. Close your eyes, and take a deep breath, in…and…out. Did you know that there’s a 40% chance that you’re breathing unhealthy air, according to the American Lungs Association? Air is dirty, and can carry aerosol particles like dust and pollen. Sometimes, these aerosols can include dangerous soot, smoke, and other pollutants, which can make it…

Helium- Abundant in the Universe, Scarce on Earth

“Helium is like gold,” said Tony Corletto, BAUER Sales Manager for Industrial Air and Gas Products. Corletto was speaking on the widespread scarcity of helium: it is one of the most abundant elements in the universe, yet one of the most difficult to find on Earth. BAUER Compressors – a German-based company with a large United States manufacturing facility in…

The Secret Gas That’s Worse Than Carbon Dioxide

“We’d have to leak 80 pounds of carbon dioxide to do the same harm as one pound of methane,” said Tony Ingraffea of Cornell University. Ingraffea was speaking to a reporter about an unsettling discovery: methane (CH4) is 80 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide (CO2) for the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere. Over time, methane remains 25x…